Rose Quartz & Gua Sha




Rose Quartz has a long and deep history – over 7,000 years in fact. Its use has been recorded as far back as the Bronze Age and has been used for beauty, healing or symbolic purposes in civilizations as diverse as (but not exclusive to) the Ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Mesopotamians and even Oriental and Native American societies. 

The Phoenicians are recorded to have used it ground up in face masks to prevent ageing and entire carved face masks have been discovered in Egyptian tombs to signify a beloved family member had been laid to rest. The Romans are recorded to have considered it to improve the complexion and prevent wrinkles. In Chinese society, Rose Quartz has been one of the preferred materials for stone carvers for hundreds of years, it has great significance in Feng Shui and is considered a symbol of love. 

An Ancient Greek legend says that Rose Quartz came into being when Aphrodite tried to save her lover, Adonis, from a fatal wound. As she reached him, she became trapped in, and cut herself upon, a thorn bush. The lovers’ blood mixed upon a quartz crystal staining it a beautiful pink hue. 

Uses and symbolism

Rose Quartz – like standard quartz – has been used in watch-making and other electronic devices for many years now, due to its ability to hold an electric charge and withstand high frequencies. The energy potential of this crystal is unquestionable. 

In many cultures Rose Quartz is seen as a crystal of the heart, referred to frequently as ‘the heart stone’. It represents, and is said to encourage, all types of love: familial, romantic, friendship and – of particular importance to us – self-love. 

In Buddhist and Hindu beliefs Rose-Quartz is directly linked to the Heart Chakra – responsible not only for compassion, affection and love but also balance, calmness and peace.

Rose Quartz is also said to have a calming, healing effect, both mentally and physically; certainly its blushing pink hues inspire thoughts of softness, peace and compassion.

For these reasons Rose-Quartz is frequently used to craft beautiful beads and jewellery designed to encourage love, compassion and peace within and around the bearer. 





Composition and distribution

Rose Quartz, like standard Quartz is comprised of silicon dioxide, but the blushing pink hues come from tiny inclusions of iron, titanium, manganese or dumortierite. It is rarely found in crystal form and most often appears in massive form within rock formations called pegmatites.

Rose Quartz is an abundant stone and can be found in large quantities all around the world but one of the largest known deposits is found in Brazil. Its natural abundance makes Rose-Quartz an extremely sustainable material.

The rich history, deep symbolism, and sustainable, natural abundance of Rose Quartz were all key factors in its selection by our founder as the material for our Luma Rose facial sculpting crystal.

Gua Sha is an ancient Chinese massage practice that translates as ‘Scraping sand’. It doesn’t sound that enticing, but we encourage you to think more in terms of exfoliation, and to trust us that the sensation is much more pleasant than the name suggests! 


Inspired by the techniques and their effectiveness our founder, Shanali, combined her knowledge of Gua Sha with her in depth experience of modern beauty practices and designed her facial sculpting crystal the Luma Rose with a unique shape that fits and follows the contours of your face to provide an exceptional facial massage experience that you can carry out in your very own home.

For hundreds of years Chinese people have used blunt porcelain, stone or metal objects to deeply massage the skin across the body in order to improve micro-circulation, release toxins and encourage the proper flow of energy through the body. In more modern times Gua Sha has been adapted and evolved into an extraordinarily effective facial massage technique that can leave skin lifted and complexion more radiant after just one use. 





“My Luma Rose facial sculpting tool arrived in a beautiful package and was well presented. I have been using it for 3 days now and I love it. My skin feels smoother and looks glossier. It is very relaxing to use! I would 100% recommend to anyone wanting to prevent wrinkles and improve skin complexion in a natural way.”

— Chelsea